Siarhei Hudzilin

Siarhei Hudzilin photos

10 of 12 | ID: HDZ00297
A painted-over street art stencils on the wall of a building. Minsk, Dec. 28, 2015.


Limitations of the freedom of speech and the freedom of information looming over the Belarusian society have been reflected in the urban environment. Any unsanctioned forms of visual communication in the streets, political slogans, graffiti or street art are immediately destroyed by community service workers in every city of Belarus. Writings on walls are painted over with primitive geometric shapes that often overlap and create a multicolored palette of censored messages. 
According to a non-governmental organization “Freedom House”, in the “Freedom of Press” index for 2015, Belarus is 194th out of 199 countries. Based on this index, Belarus is one of the 10 countries with the worst regimes for the press in the World.

(2011) 2014 - 2015